Who should approach
Authority to be approaced
Time frame
Tapping of coconut trees
Toddy Tapper
Excise Inspector of the Taluka
Four Working days
Through Excise Guard
Licence to manufacture palm liquor
Registered Toddy tapper
Excise Inspector of the Taluka
Two Working days
Extraction of Cashew juice
Owner or tenant of cashew grove
Excise Inspector of the Taluka
Five Working days
Provided no dispute
For distillation of cashew liquor
Prospective bidder/ tenderer/
Modern distillery
Chairman of the Auction Committee/ Commissioner of Excise
As soon as bid is accepted/ tender is accepted/ payment of estimated Excise Duty for M.D.
Prospective bidder/ tenderer when declared successful by the committee/ commissioner on payment of estimated excise duty.
Licence to manufacture cashew liquor
Excise Inspector of Taluka
Five Working days
Provided still licence fee is paid
Licence for retail sale for consumption/ in packed bottles/ for wholesale
Any person of major age subject to his antecedents/ medical fitness wherever applicable
Applicant may approach Excise Inspector of concerned Taluka and obtain a check lists of all documents required and present his applications along-with all the documents as per check lists
a) Excise Inspector may process the applications received by him as per check lists for obtaining NOCs from Village Panchayats/
Municipal Councils/ Health Services. b) Excise Inspectors also simultaneously carry out site inspection and draw his inspection report and furnish the proposal on receipt of NOCs mentioned at (a) above to the Office of the Commissioner of Excise within five days. c) Office of the Commissioner of Excise shall process the proposal received with all the required documents for obtaining antecedents from the police authorities and if necessary for clearance from Tourism Department from Touristic point of view. d) On receiving the NOCs from the authorities at (c) above case regarding grant of licence may be processed for approval of the Commissioner or to the Government in terms of proviso to sub rule (4) of Rule 90 fifteen days. On approval of the case sanction may be conveyed within two days.
Licence for establishment of Distillery/ Brewery/ Winery etc.
Any person of major age including Firm/ Company
a) Applicant shall approach Superintendent of Excise for check list as per Rule 41 and 85A as the case may be. b) Thereafter may apply for such licence with all the required documents to the office of the Commissioner of Excise Panaji-Goa through the concerned Taluka Excise Inspector.
a) Application will be processed for submission to the Commissioner of Excise in order to refer the same to the approval of the Government with in five days of the receipt of the applications. On approval of the Commissioner the proposal will be submitted to the Government within two days. b) On receipt of the approval from the Government, establishment licence with the approval of Commissioner will be issued within three days.
Licence for manufacture of IMFL/Beer/Wine Country liquor with or without Rectified Sprit etc.
Licensee during currency of establishment licence
a) Commissioner of Excise
a) On receipt of the application from the licensee along with NOC of Health Officer and revised plan with full description of the changes if any, the same will be processed within four days for further action like inspection etc. b) The Asstt. Commissioner of Excise duly authorized by the Commissioner shall carry out inspection of the site and the building and furnish his report within five days for issue of the licence provided requisite formalities are fulfilled. c) On receipt of the approval of the Commissioner, the licensee may be asked to pay the licence fees for respective licences through concerned Excise Inspector. d) On receipt of the original copy of the challan, licence will be issued within two days. e) Other formalities viz. furnishing bonds in Forms E-5, E-6 and E-11 shall be done by the licensee immediately without any delay.
Issue of under bond/pre-payment for importing liquor/exporting liquor
Importer/ licensee
Office of the Commissioner of Excise through the Excise Inspector of concerned Taluka
On receipt of the application for Import/ Export of liquor the permit shall be issued within four days.
Issue of NOC for procurement of raw material
Issue of permits for import of raw material
Issue of permits for possession of denatured spirit/Rectified Spirit etc. for industrial purpose.
S.S.I. Unit/ licensee along with the application for possession
Office of the Commissioner of Excise through Excise Inspector of concerned Taluka
On receipt of the application the licence for possession will be issued with the approval of the Commissioner after the applicant pays prescribed fees wherever applicable within five days.
For issue of occasional licences for ball room dances etc.
Any person
Applicant should approach Excise Inspector of concerned Taluka with proper application
On receiving the application concerned Excise inspector shall issue challan for payment of fees and on receipt of the copy of the challan licence will be issued on the same day.
Permit for Private Bonded Warehouse
Any dealer/ manufacturer of liquors
Office of the Commissioner of Excise along with application in Form E-10 through concerned Taluka Inspector.
a) Excise Inspector on receipt of application in Form E-10, carry out inspection and submit his report along with the application to the Commissioner of Excise within three days. b) On receipt of the proposal from Excise Inspector, Office of the Commissioner shall process within two days for approval of the Commissioner. c) On receipt of the approval licence will be issued subject to payment of permit fee and execution of law. d) One day from the receipt of the application.
Permit to transport of Excisable articles
Any person/ licensee/dealer
Excise Inspector of Taluka or manufacturing unit as the case may be.
On receipt of application from any person/ licensee/dealer
Permit to transport liquor for personnel consumption
Any person desiring to take liquor for his personnel consumption
a) Office of the Commissioner of Excise . b) Excise Inspector of Taluka. c) Office in charge of Excise check posts. d) Any retail Vendor in packed bottles.
on request made by any person subject to payment of fee of Rs.10/- per permit.
Licence to Possess Alcohol/Spirits for Medicinal and Toilet preparations
Any person holding a licence to prepare such products issued by Directorate Food & Drugs Administration under Drugs & Cosmetic Act, 1940.
Commissioner of Excise
a) On receipt of application in Form A-L-1 along with copy of licence issued by Food and Drugs Administrations Office of the Commissioner of Excise will process the same within four days for the approval of Commissioner. b) On compliance of formalities, Possession licence in Form E-13 & Form E-14 as applicable will be issued within two days to the applicant.