Labels are the stickers placed on liquor bottles which contain the information such as name & address of the Distillery where the product is manufactured along with the nature, quantity, strength, batch No., date of manufacturing, MRP and also, whether the product is for sale in Goa or for Export.
Every financial year the dealer has to record/renew the labels so that the brands can be manufactured & sold in the State of Goa or can be exported from the State of Goa to any other State of India or outside India for that financial year only .
The labels are recorded/renewed by the licence holder of the Distilleries, Breweries, Wineries, Country Liquor units, wholesalers Importers and stockiest to import/export in the State of Goa.
As per Rule 16 of the Goa Excise Duty Act 1964 and Rules, the Commissioner of Excise approves the recording or renewal of labels on payment of prescribed fees. The labels which are recorded or renewed shall be valid for a period of one year ending 31st March of the next year. The recording/renewal of the labels is done subject to the condition that the Commissioner of Excise, shall not be responsible in any manner for claim on brand names arising due to recording of the labels and that the fees once paid for recording/renewal of the labels shall not be refunded in case the labels so record/renewed are withdrawn or cancelled. In case the applicant fails to renew the labels before the end of every financial year, then the unit has to record in fresh on payment of recording fee, failing to which the products manufactured will be treated as illegal and the licensee will be liable for penalty under the provisions of The Goa Excise Duty Act & Rules, 1964
In case of renewal, the labels which are proposed for renewal should be the replica of labels which are approved for last financial year. The labels which are imported from other State or Country the dealer has to have an authority letter from the parent company to apply for recording in the State of Goa, along with the approval letter and labels copies approved from the exporting State.
The manufacturer/wholesaler can apply for recording or renewal of labels through Goa Excise Management System (GEMS) only.
The application received online is scrutinized and verified by the Excise Inspector incharge of the Unit/Station and Challan is issued for payment of applicable fees.
After the receipt of payment, the application is then forwarded online to the Head Office for processing and approval.
Click to view all Registered Labels